Our Vision

Everyone can make a difference.

The 100 Strong program is based on the principles of  Love God above everything. Love your neighbor as yourself. Participants go out into their communities to find a person, family, or organization that needs assistance on the second weekend in August every year. 

What is the goal for 100 Strong?
The goal is simple: By the second weekend of August of 2020, 100 communities around Oregon will have middle school and high school students--mentored by an adult--go out into their communities and in the name of God do some loving acts toward their neighbors. It is called 20/20 vision. That goal may seem  ambitious. However, we have seen it work in Aurora, and are confident the program can succeed in communities all around the state similar to Oregon's SOLVE beach cleanup program every spring and fall.

How does 100 Strong work?
The program is based on the simple idea of helping those around you with small acts of kindness and generosity. There are two ways to do it:

  1. Participants might decide to do a good deed or loving act on their own, which require no money.
  2. They may choose to accept two $50 bills. One they can keep for themselves; the other $50 they give away in keeping with "love your neighbor as yourself." They might decide to pay forward all $100. If their hearts are moved in the spirit of love, they may even want to add money of their own to the $100 they receive and pass it on.

Are there any strings attached if a participant accepts the money?
No, there is no obligation, but it is hoped that participants, who accept the money, will choose to take part in a four-year helping/giving program. Here is how it works:

  • Year 1 they accept two $50 bills. They may keep $50 for themselves or decide to give all $100 away to help someone or an organization in need.
  • Year 2 they raise $50 on their own, and that $50 will be matched to do the same as above.
  • Year 3 they raise the full $100 on their own and use the money to help someone less fortunate.
  • Year 4 they raise $100 to give away, in addition to $100 of their own money, in order to start the process all over again encouraging and/or mentoring another person to help others.

Who can participate in 100 Strong?
We welcome anyone and everyone to participate in the 100 Strong program, though we highly encourage middle and high school students to take part. The application process is easy — simply contact the 100 Strong team, and a staff member will be in touch with more information.

Who is eligible for the $100 grant?
That's up to you! We want our participants to be able to help their neighbors in as many ways as possible, so we place few restrictions on how the money can be spent. The only stipulation is that a family is eligible to receive $100 to share if there is more than one person in the household. In other words, a family of four would receive $100 in Year 1--not $400. Visit our "Testimonials" page to read some examples of how past 100 Strong participants have used the grants to help their communities.

Why is "Au" featured in the 100 Strong logo?
"Au" from the periodic table of chemical elements stands for "gold." While this project began in Aurora, it is hoped that 100 Strong will become the gold standard for other communities locally and nationally to emulate.

Are you ready to bring the 100 Strong program to your community? 

Simply fill out the form to the right and a 100 Strong staff member will contact you with more information.